What is in a District 205 meal?

Required components of a meal

Under the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and the National School Lunch Program, the required components of a "meal" to be offered include: fluid milk, grains, meat/meat alternatives, fruits, and vegetables. Students are required to take 3 of the 5 components offered and one component must be a full servicing of fruit of vegetable.

For the National School Breakfast, the required components of a "meal" to be offered include fluid milk, grains and/or meat/meat alternatives, and fruits and/or vegetables. Students are required to take at least 3 of the components offered.

A second reimbursable meal is 100% chargeable to all free/reduced students. Students are ONLY entitled to one free/reduced price reimbursable breakfast and lunch each day.

Single items, including milk, are considered a la carte and do not qualify as a meal for free/reduced. The student's account will be charged for all a la carte items.